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IELTS Classes In Hinjewadi

Best IELTS Coaching Classes In Hinjewadi As everyone knows, “Education plays very significant role in changing the society”, it is indeed very powerful weapon to change the world. Hence, we, at Western, are committed to help you in choosing the right path in your journey to seek overseas education. Western is one of the leading Overseas Education Consultants in Pune and very proud to help students since 2005. At Western Academy, we have an expert team of   Education Consultants  who can help you in choosing right country, course and based on you intention in long run, your skills, hobbies and financial ability. We, at Western Academy, will help you in availing the best possible global  academic opportunities  in various countries like  Australia , New Zealand , United Kingdom , Canada , Ireland and USA .  These countries are more preferred by 99% of Indian Students due to high quality of education. Our team of Study Abroad Consultants in Pune will help you in this
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IELTS IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems) is one of the well-known English language proficiency exams. British Council, IDP (International Development Program), IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English manages the IELTS exam. Many students find it hard to get a good and desired band score. But it’s not way too difficult, one can easily practice some IELTS tips and tricks and can simply crack the exam. IELTS is conducted for candidates those who belong to non-native English speaking countries or areas and willing to study or migrate to a native English speaking country. This test is accepted by many countries including USA, Canada, British and Australian Universities. The IELTS measures the language proficiency of an individual who wants to study, work or migrate English speaking country. It uses a nine-band scale to evidently identify levels of proficiency, from non-user (band score 1) through to professional (band score 9). There is no minimum sco

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Tips For IELTS Writing Academic Module

Tips For IELTS Writing Academic Module: - ·          Analyze the questions carefully to make sure your response include all the points covered in the question. ·          Use your own words do not copy words from question itself. ·          You must write your answer in full. Do not present your answer in note or bullet point format. ·          Don’t write too long sentences. It will affect coherence and it will be hard to control the grammar. ·          You have 40 minutes to write your task 2 essay. Give at least 5 minutes to yourself to plan your answer before start writing. You should include introductions, ideas to support your views and opinions. ·          Take care to spell words correctly. Standard American, Australian and British spellings are accepted in IELTS. Useful Links Tips For IELTS Reading Academic Module Tips For IELTS Reading General Module Tips For IELTS Writing General Module Tips For IELTS Listening Module Tips For IELTS Speaking Modul

Tips for IELTS Speaking Test

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Expert Tips for IELTS Listening Test

Tips for IELTS Listening Test:- At the beginning of each section read the questions for that section carefully, before the recording starts. This will help you to follow the recording and identify the answers. Before each section, you will be given information about the speaker and what they will be talking about. You won’t be tested on this, but it will help you answer the questions that follow by understanding the context. After completing a section, it is better to look ahead and read the questions for the next section than to worry about the last section. You will sometimes have a list of options to choose from as answers. The possible answers may be listed in alphabetical order and not necessarily in the order you will hear them. Understand the accent because the accents of the speakers are primarily British. Get used to the way letters and numbers are pronounced in British and American English. The expressions and idioms used are also British rather than American En

Tips for IELTS Reading Academic Test

Tips for IELTS Reading Academic Module :- If you write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark. If you don’t already, read plenty of English books and articles in your spare time! Practice summarizing, identifying key information, and main ideas within texts. Know the format! Don’t underestimate the difficulty of this section simply because you’re an avid reader and you feel like the Reading section is the last thing you need to spend time preparing for. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: IELTS success is largely centered around whether or not the test taker knows the format of the test. Not only should you know the test’s format but practice answering those same types of questions! Having a strategy for each task is as important as knowing what they are. Useful links Tips For IELTS Writing Academic Module Tips For IELTS Reading General Module Tips For IELTS Writing General Module Tips For IELTS Listening Module Tips For IEL